07 Apr Quiz Results

Thanks to all who attended the Community Quiz on Saturday 6th April 2019.
This was the first time Quizmaster Rob Vallender held an event at the Elmscroft Centre. The evening was a great success, not only did it add valuable income to the refurbishment fund but was fun for everyone involved.
We had a total of 19 teams participating over eight rounds, that got extended with cries of ‘more!’, making a total of ten.
Feedback we received suggested it was enjoyed by everyone and that people are already looking forward to the next one!

Team Name | Score |
Trick Cyclists | 121.5 |
A team has no name | 101 |
Rags | 97 |
Branston Pickles | 95.5 |
Four Degrees | 95 |
Fork Handles | 94.5 |
Emmaus | 91.5 |
Silver Surfers | 90 |
Elmscroft Dancers | 89 |
Dawlish Dancers | 84.5 |
Knot-ears | 81 |
The Btts | 78.5 |
Dumbo | 74.5 |
Guinea Pig Care Team | 74 |
The Young Ones | 71.5 |
Lovebirds | 70.5 |
Hilltops | 70 |
The Three Stooges | 64 |
Mixed Nuts | 63.5 |