A small group of Armscroft Residents founded an association around 1949. They began meeting in the original two room building which had been used during the war years as a temporary school due to bomb damage to local school rooms. They decided to name the center by amalgamating the two area names Elmbridge and Armscroft resulting in “Elmscroft” which it is still known as to this day.
The building itself has undergone a number of changes over the years. In the 1950’s a wooden building was added as an extension but had to be removed in 2020. In l979 a brick built lounge was added at the field end of the building for social purposes. Finally in l990 the model railway club built a separate detached construction to accommodate their model railway layouts.
The buildings are maintained by a group of wonderful volunteers and regulated through the Elmscroft Community Centre CIC and stand on land leased from Gloucestershire County Council.
Chairman – Richard Drewitt
Treasurer – Ellis Fincham
Operations – Kitty Croft
Bookings – Lea Poole
Elmscroft Community Center, Coronation Grove, Gloucester, GL2 0SS
Elmscroft Community Centre is situated off Barnwood Road, access either on foot through alleyways or by road through the Armscroft Estate, via Coronation Grove.